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The Criminal Investigations Division (CID) is comprised of investigative units whose primary responsibility is to investigate and follow-up on crimes committed against persons or property in Forsyth County. CID is comprised of the Major Crimes Unit, Hi-Tech Crimes Unit, Property Crimes Unit, Narcotics Unit, Warrants Unit. 


The Major Crimes Unit of the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office is responsible for investigating all major crimes that occur within Forsyth County. Detectives within the Major Crimes Unit are tasked with providing follow up investigation on cases where a major crime has been committed but no arrest has been made, as well as initiating new cases independently. Cases involving homicides, death investigations, sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse and molestations, physical elder abuse, robberies, aggravated assault, aggravated batteries, and any other person’s crimes are classified as major crimes.


Major Crimes Detectives work the entire county and are centrally located for all county residents at the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office headquarters in Cumming. If you need to speak with the detective about your case, please call our office during normal business hours and ask for your assigned detective.


Phone: 770.781.2222

Non-Emergency 24HR: 770.781.3087


The Major Crimes Unit also houses the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office Victim Advocates. It has always been the policy of the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office to offer assistance to victims of crimes when responding to a call, but often deputies have other calls to which they must immediately respond and cannot devote the time that the victim needs. Furthermore, we know from first-hand experience that victimization does not end with the mirror filing of a report to law enforcement.


Victim Advocates will contact the victim of major crimes. If a victim would like to seek a Temporary Protective Order (TPO), a victim advocate can assist the victim and guide them through the legal process. 

 â€‹As the investigation moves forward, the Victim Advocate will offer continued emotional support to the victims and offer referrals to social service agencies to assist a victim with the ongoing problems resulting from the crime. The Victim Advocate will ensure that the victim is aware of all the rights provided to them under the Georgia Crime Victim's Bill of Rights. As an arrest is made in the


Victim Advocate: 678.455.8458

matter, the victim will be transitioned from the Sheriff’s Office to the District Attorney’s Office Victim Advocates.


​The office for the Victim Advocate is located at the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office headquarters in Cumming. Anyone who has been victimized by a crime in Forsyth County, and needs assistance, has someone in place to offer them the help they need.




Our ICAC Unit is part of the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program which is a national network ​of coordinated task forces representing federal, state, and local law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies. These agencies are continually engaged in proactive and reactive investigations and prosecutions of persons involved in online child enticements and exploitation, possession, distribution, and manufacturing of child pornography, and much more. Turn to learn more about the ICAC Task Force, visit their website:




A person that has been convicted of committing certain criminal offenses under O.C.G.A. 42-1-12 must register with the Sheriff in the county they live in and work. If they plan to move, they must inform the Sheriff’s Office within 72 hours prior to moving. Any person released from prison for crimes under O.C.G.A. 42-1-12, who is placed on probation, parole, or supervised release or entry into the state of Georgia

has 72 hours to report to the appropriate Sheriff’s Office of the county where they reside to register as a sex offender. The Sex Offender Unit conducts residential checks to verify sex offenders are living where they say they do and verify that they have not absconded. The Sex Offender Unit also verifies address are not within a prohibited area outlined in OCGA 42-1-15.  

Sex Offender Registry Search



The Digital Forensic Lab supports all areas of criminal investigations by conducting forensic examinations of cell phones, computers, and other types of digital media seized during criminal investigations. This unit will also assist with unauthorized computer access and cyber related crimes.



The Forsyth County Sheriff's Office Crime Scene Unit is responsible for the documentation, processing, and collection of evidence at crime scenes within the county. The Crime Scene Unit allows the Detectives of the Property Crime Unit, Major Crimes Unit, and Deputies to have access to advanced crime scene processing, latent print development techniques, fingerprint comparison, IAFIS operations, certain drug examinations, expert court testimony, and advanced photographic documentation techniques. The Crime Scene Unit also provides assistance to other surrounding agencies in the areas of crime scene processing, latent print development, and comparison. The members of the crime scene unit are trained and are Georgia POST certified crime scene technicians.



Property Crime Detectives of the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office are assigned to investigate and respond to calls and crime trends that need follow-up by a trained investigator. A Detective is on-call and available around the clock for crimes that may occur.


They are assigned to areas within the county that are broken down geographically to north and south. Crimes investigated include, but are not limited to, burglaries, thefts, auto theft, entering autos, theft of trailers and large construction equipment, and white-collar crimes. White color investigations include the theft of credit and debit cards used in a fraudulent manner and forgery of any kind whether it be documents, checks, or unlawful signing of a name without one's permission.


If you need to speak with the property crimes Detective about your case, please call our North or South Precinct during normal business hours, or the non-emergency dispatch line after hours and ask for an on-call detective or detective supervisor.



South precinct

2985 Ronald Reagan Blvd. Cumming GA 30041





The Forsyth County Sheriff's Office Narcotics Unit is responsible for finding and investigating illegal narcotics use and distribution as well as gambling, prostitution, and human trafficking within Forsyth County. This unit works hand-in-hand with the Major Crimes Unit.


These detectives are assigned countywide and work wherever they find illegal narcotics being manufactured, distributed, possessed, stored, or used. Vices type crimes like gambling, prostitution, and human trafficking are also investigated by our narcotics unit.



In 2018, a multi-agency Drug Task Force was formed that includes the Johns Creek Police Department and the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office. The collaboration, called JCAF Drug Task Force, brings together these three agencies who focus on dealer level narcotics investigations. The task force includes 18 agents who are committed to combatting drug sales in our areas. This partnership allows the task force to move freely between all three jurisdictions while conducting investigations. Since its inception, JCAF Drug Task Force has seen great success. Working together makes us stronger and our communities safer. 



The Warrant Unit serves the majority of criminal arrest warrants received by the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office through the county court system, or by request from other jurisdictions. Additionally, members of the Warrant Unit track down and apprehend fugitives - one of the most dangerous law enforcement duties performed today.


Please call our warrants clerk, or our warrants tipline, if you have any information regarding a wanted person.









If you have information regarding a crime that is under investigation

or being planned contact:


Crime Stoppers Tipline: 770.888.7308


Warrants Tipline: 770.781.2206

Warrants Clerk: 770.781.3066 (MON-FRI 8 AM to 4 PM)

Warrants Email:

Website: Forsyth County’s Most Wanted



Sheriff Ron H. Freeman


 SHERIFF'S OFFICE: 770.781.2222  |  24HR DISPATCH: 770.781.3087

Disclaimer: Information posted on this website is provided for informational purposes only. It is subject to change and may be updated periodically. While every effort is made to ensure that the posted information is up to date and accurate, it may contain factual errors. Inmate information changes quickly, and the posted information may not reflect the current information. An arrest does not mean that the inmate has been convicted of the crime. Links to other sites are provided as a convenience to the user and no representation, warranty or endorsement of those sites is made by inclusion or exclusion of other websites. The information on this website should not be relied upon for any type of legal action. Unauthorized or illegal use of this site is strictly prohibited. 

© Copyright 2025 Forsyth County Sheriff's Office. All rights reserved.
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