Forsyth County Sheriff's Office's
The R.T.C.C. deputies and operators can monitor and analyze live data streams from various sources, such as security cameras, gunshot detection systems, automated license plate alerts, social media, computer-aided dispatch systems, criminal databases, and much, much more. Advanced analytics and mapping software helps operators quickly visualize, correlate, and share relevant information with deputies in the field, as well as partnering agencies, as needed.

Proactive Policing
At the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office, our number one priority is keeping our citizens and community safe. With this in mind, we have worked diligently to implement, and roll-out, our Real Time Crime Center, also known as “R.T.C.C.”.
Unlike traditional policing, which is very reactive in nature, the R.T.C.C. takes a more proactive approach in helping law-enforcement agencies do more with less. Every day, there is an increased need to be more strategic and efficient with the resources we have. The R.T.C.C. allows us to monitor incidents, video feeds, and other alert sensors from a single, centralized location, to help deputies respond more quickly, more efficiently, and more deliberately. This edge provides a proactive emphasis on deputy, citizen, and community safety.

Centralized Location
This centralized location has dedicated personnel that use various systems and technologies to analyze data sets and provide information to local & neighboring law-enforcement, aiding in decision-making & response coordination.
The R.T.C.C. deputies and operators can monitor and analyze live data streams from various sources, such as security cameras, gunshot detection systems, automated license plate alerts, social media, computer-aided dispatch systems, criminal databases, and much, much more. Advanced analytics and mapping software helps operators quickly visualize, correlate, and share relevant information with deputies in the field, as well as partnering agencies, as needed.
Citizens and businesses can help the Sheriff’s Office fight crime in two ways:
1. Residents and businesses should register their security camera systems for FREE, enabling investigators to know that a video camera is potentially located in the area of an incident that may have occurred, & allowing investigators to request video evidence from the camera owner via email and/or text message.
2. Businesses can partner with the Sheriff’s Office by participating in our video camera integration program called FususCORE, by installing a FususCORE system add-on. Businesses can then select which video camera feeds to share with the Sheriff’s Office - enabling responding deputies and the R.T.C.C. to access and begin viewing an incident prior to arriving on the scene, providing crucial real time intelligence.
For more information on video camera registration and integration, scan the QR code or visit