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Social Media Terms of Use

By posting or commenting on any social media platform used by the FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, you participate by your own choice, taking personal responsibility for your comments, your username, and any information you provide therein.

You further agree to the following terms of use:
The FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE maintains a social media program for the purpose of engaging and interacting with our community, providing relevant and timely community news, information and events, distribution of crime prevention and public safety tips, for urgent notifications of critical incidents which may affect residents, business owners and visitors of Forsyth County and of the FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, and for those people having an interest in the FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE.

Limited Public Forum
All social media platforms used by the FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE are designated as Limited Public Forums. The department welcomes a person's right to express his/her opinion and encourages posters to keep comments relevant to the topic in question. Posting of any content on any social media platform used by the FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, by any visitor, follower, subscriber or fan, constitutes acceptance of the terms of use described here in this policy. For purposes of this policy, a social media platform is the website or app offered to the public to provide audio, video, still-photo, or written communication between other members of the public and/or representatives of certain groups, businesses, organizations, or departments. Examples of social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, NextDoor, YouTube, Flickr, LinkedIn, website blogs with commenting capabilities, forums, and emergency notification services.
The definition of content as used in this policy refers to any written copy, photos, graphics, videos, live-video streams, comments, or any form of communicative content exchanged between parties.

Emergency or Non-Emergency Requests for Law Enforcement Assistance
The posting of requests for law enforcement assistance, regardless if it is of an emergency or non-emergency nature, is discouraged and will not guarantee a response by the FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE or any emergency service provider. In case of an emergency, or if police assistance is needed, please dial 911. If you wish to report a crime or information relevant to a crime, please call 770-781-3087. You may remain anonymous if you wish.

In the event you post information related to a crime, you may be placing yourself in a position of becoming a witness and subject to being subpoenaed into court.

"Friending" or "Liking" the FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, or an officer or employee of the FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE , does not indicate an endorsement of that person's actions or comments. A comment posted by a member of the public on any FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE social media site is the opinion of the commentator or poster only, and publication of a comment does not imply endorsement of, or agreement by, the FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, nor do such comments necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE.

Moderation of Content
The FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 's social media platforms are intended to be "family-friendly." When applicable, the department uses platform provided content moderation/filtering options to limit foul or obscene content. The FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE does actively monitor the social media platforms used by the department, and will remove inappropriate content as defined below, without prior notice, and as soon as possible. The department shall reserve the right to remove and/or block anyone who posts inappropriate material as determined by the department. This material may include, but is not limited to:

1. Comments not related to the original topic, including random or unintelligible comments;
2. Profane, obscene, or pornographic content and/or language;
3. Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, or national origin;
4. Defamatory or personal attacks;
5. Threats to any person or organization;
6. Comments in support of, or in opposition to, any political campaigns or ballot measures;
7. Solicitation of commerce, including but not limited to advertising of any business or product for sale;
8. Conduct in violation of any federal, state or local law;
9. Encouragement of illegal activity;
10. Information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems;
11. Content that violates a legal ownership interest, such as a copyright, of any party;
12. Harassment or content which constitutes and/or facilitates stalking;
13. Content which violates the right to privacy;
14. Encouragement of violence;
15. Repetitive content;
16. Comments which may reasonably interfere with, inhibit, or compromise law enforcement investigations, police tactics, police responses to incidents and/or the safety of police staff and officers.
17. Posts or comments that contain any external links.

The department does not allow posting of photos or videos by anyone other than members of the department.

Denial of Access
The FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE reserves the right to deny access to any FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE social media sites for any individual, who violates the FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 's Social Media Terms of Use, at any time and without prior notice.

If you wish to contest the removal or hiding of your content, or your denial of access ("banned") from our social media platforms, you may do so by contacting us at 770-781-2222 and requesting to speak to a member of our social media team.


Facebook's Community of Standards
All comments posted to any FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Facebook site are bound by Facebook's Community Standards, located at, and the FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE reserves the right to report any violation of Facebook's Community Standards to Facebook with the intent of Facebook taking appropriate and reasonable responsive action.

Should you have any questions in regards to items contained herein this Terms of Use, please contact the FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE public information officer or social media manager at 770-781-2222.



Sheriff Ron H. Freeman


 SHERIFF'S OFFICE: 770.781.2222  |  24HR DISPATCH: 770.781.3087

Disclaimer: Information posted on this website is provided for informational purposes only. It is subject to change and may be updated periodically. While every effort is made to ensure that the posted information is up to date and accurate, it may contain factual errors. Inmate information changes quickly, and the posted information may not reflect the current information. An arrest does not mean that the inmate has been convicted of the crime. Links to other sites are provided as a convenience to the user and no representation, warranty or endorsement of those sites is made by inclusion or exclusion of other websites. The information on this website should not be relied upon for any type of legal action. Unauthorized or illegal use of this site is strictly prohibited. 

© Copyright 2025 Forsyth County Sheriff's Office. All rights reserved.
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